PDP-11/23 deskside machine

From: Technoid_at_cheta.net <(Technoid_at_cheta.net)>
Date: Thu Mar 23 19:31:38 2000

This evening I accidentally aquired a PDP-11/23 (model # 11E23-FE). It
has RD-52A hard disk and dual floppies like the ones on a Rainbow.

What can I do with it? It does boot and is running RT11 with 512k of ram.

It appears to have a fault. It often runs for just a few minutes then
drops to a _at_ prompt and starts spitting out strings of ? marks endlessly.
Is this a failure anyone is familiar with? How can I tack more ram on it?

The machine is is fairly good condition and appears complete. --
Jeffrey S. Worley
Technical Services
Bits & Bytes Computer Services Inc.
1979B Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
828-684-8953 - voice 0900-1700 five days
828-687-9284 - 24hr fax
Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?
Received on Thu Mar 23 2000 - 19:31:38 GMT

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