PDP-11/23 deskside machine

From: Allison J Parent <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Thu Mar 23 21:25:22 2000

<I guess I must have just gotten lucky to get it to boot those two times.
<This is what the machine does <most> of the time.

 173714 is the address at which the boot selftest program failed. not in ram
as 173xxx, is the boot/room page.

The count down is each specific test either you get a memeory test error
something else. Assumeing the board and rom are ones I know a stop at that
address means a NO was types on the terminal duriing console test!

To be sure we'd need to know the board handle numbers and rom numbers.
to gove that answer I assumed 11/23+ M8189 cpu card, but the message
appears to be for an 11/23B cpu/rom set. My guess is you have a bum tube!

Also don't apply PC troubleshooting rules to a PDP-11, you'll make youself

<Does this mean that the ram card is bad at a given location? If so, there
<is no reason I can't replace the ram on the card with a desoldering iron.
<I would like to socketize the ram but I don't think there is enough room
<between cards to make that happen so I'll have to solder them directly to
<the board and pray I have no more failures.

You can, it's possible, you have no clue yeat if it's bad ram.

<Is the above 6digit number the location of the failed bit/byte of memory?

No, it's a location in rom where the program failed.

Received on Thu Mar 23 2000 - 21:25:22 GMT

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