DEC ADV11-A A/D Converter

From: Zane H. Healy <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 21:46:50 2000

><> Or, wouldn't it work to just use a Q18 backplane which doesn't bus BDAL21
><> I would think that even the 11/73 CPU would be OK then, as long as you do
><> mind living with 248 KB memory...
><Or maybe you could put the CPU/RAM/DMA peripherals in a Q22 backplane and
><then link that to a Q18 backplay with the ADV11 card in it. If you like,
><you could connect BDAL18-BDAL21 between Qbus In and Qbus Out on that
><backplane, so that you could have more Q22 backplanes 'dowstream' of it.
>You can but the collective system will be the least of the two and not
>additive on items like address bus width. Likely that would have
>wraparound if enough memory or a non BBS7 compatable IO. If a bord is
>only Q16 or Q18 the options are mod it if possible for q22 or restrict
>the bus useage to the level of the least board.

<Sigh> I think all this is a mote point. It's safe to say that I'll either
use them in a PDP-11/03 or a PDP-11/23 (of course I've never bothered to
get any of either working). Unless someone wants to trade a Q-22
compatible one (any size as I don't need 16-channels) for a pair of them.

| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |
Received on Thu Mar 23 2000 - 21:46:50 GMT

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