Mac Disk Drive

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Sat Mar 25 19:51:37 2000

I got 'im opened up. The problem I wanted to address was the fact that the
external thumbwheel didn't seem to have any effect. Once I opened the box
up, I was able to rectify the disconnect. 80MB is about the right size for

Now, if only I could find a BIOS implementation and maybe a couple of
utilities for a WD33C93 of which I've got several. I'm sure it's been done,
yet I haven't a clue where to snoop for it. I may actually have to . . .
<cringe> . . . write some code . . .


----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Duell <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2000 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: Mac Disk Drive

> > You need to tell us who makes the enclosure, etc. Some are clearly not
> > designed for the end user to be able to open, typically the real small
> _Everything_ can be openned by _this_ end-user. And a lot of things go
> back together again afterwards...
> > enclosures. The larger boxes almost always are just some screws,
> > under labels.
> Another thing to look at is the feet. Sometimes there are screws hidden
> under stick-on feet. Sometimes the screws that hold the feet on also hold
> the box together.
> -tony
Received on Sat Mar 25 2000 - 19:51:37 GMT

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