TU58 Peripheral Emulation

From: Clint Wolff <vaxman_at_uswest.net>
Date: Sun Mar 26 00:19:23 2000

The main problem with the version on dBit's ftp site is it assumes
VAX byte order. The command packets are loaded byte for byte into
the data structure which messes up all the shorts. The same problem
exists for the response packets.


On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Allison J Parent wrote:

> <I've already asked John Wilson this, but has anyone compiled the one
> <available on dBit's ftp site for Linux? Or know of another one for
> <Linux/Windows that's available online? I'd like to try it out...
> I've looked at it and it's a bit old but should work. All a tu58 is
> if you ignor the tape drive itself is a 256k block addressable memeory at
> the end of a serial line talking a packet protocal. It only took 2048
> bytes (with selftest and autoboot) of 8085 code to do it so it's not
> rocket science.
> Now to do that on a PC or whatever running most any OS is to beable to
> create a datafile of 256k and address any 512bytes block within it. So if
> you look at that code most of the work is working aound the OS!
> Allison
Received on Sun Mar 26 2000 - 00:19:23 GMT

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