Altos machines

From: Peter Pachla <>
Date: Sun Mar 26 22:04:03 2000


> If you can wait a day or two, a fellow classiccmper and I are
>going to be inventorying the Altos machines....
>....there may be some documentation (we've several binders full
>of it) on your machine.

Thanks, if you manage to find out ANYTHING do let me know.

BTW That list of machines you have is interesting. If you weren't the other
side of the planet to me I'd be after one of the 68K boxes....

  TTFN - Pete.

Hardware & Software Engineer. Sound Engineer.
Collector of Arcade Machines, Games Consoles & Obsolete Computers (esp DEC)            |
Received on Sun Mar 26 2000 - 22:04:03 BST

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