Altos machines

From: <(>
Date: Sat Mar 25 06:33:44 2000

>Does anyone have any pointers to sites on the web which cover Altos
>machines? I've done a search on Yahoo and a couple of other places and
>turned up nothing.

Yes, there is a surprising lack of information "on the web" on Altos

>I'm particularly interested in information on the Unix systems they were
>making around 1990 - we had one at work, an i386 in a tower case. Not PC
>compatible IIRC, possibly called an "Altos III" or something similar.

If you can wait a day or two, a fellow classiccmper and I are going to be
inventorying the Altos machines that we've (temporarily) taken custody
of, as well as the documents. All the machines that we have are
19" wide by about 7.5" high tabletop units, often with 8" floppies in the
front so they're almost certainly older than your machine, but there may
be some documentation (we've several binders full of it) on your machine.

 Tim Shoppa                        Email:
 Trailing Edge Technology          WWW:
 7328 Bradley Blvd		   Voice: 301-767-5917
 Bethesda, MD, USA 20817           Fax:   301-767-5927
Received on Sat Mar 25 2000 - 06:33:44 GMT

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