Research Machines Link 480Z

From: Peter Pachla <>
Date: Sun Mar 26 21:06:20 2000

Hi Tony,

>> Would I be right in assuming that the machines with SA400s
>>had double sided drives and the ones with Canon drives were
>>single sided?
> Not always. All the machines at my school (which were 2 of
>each sort IIRC) had double sided drives....

Ah well, another otherwise fine theory shot down in flames.... :-)

>> I wonder if that's the same machine I spotted? The chap who
>>had it for sale ended up taking it home....
> No idea, of course.
> It came with a keyboard....
>....Oh, and a few disks and a pile of manuals.

No, the one I spotted had no keyboard, software or manuals.

So that makes at least two "spotted in the wild"....

> Inside it has 64K RAM (see my other message), the hires card,
>minidisk controller and bus terminator. It has all the standard
>interfaces you'd expect from those (user port, SIO-4) and the
>colour output option as well.

*NICE* setup. Only one of our machines had the hires card (funnily enough
the one with the "free" RAM card) and it was darn useful....

  TTFN - Pete.

Hardware & Software Engineer. Sound Engineer.
Collector of Arcade Machines, Games Consoles & Obsolete Computers (esp DEC)            |
Received on Sun Mar 26 2000 - 21:06:20 BST

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