SUNOS 5.4 Root Password

From: Ram Meenakshisundaram <>
Date: Tue Mar 28 18:30:57 2000

> <nitpick>
> You mean 512-byte block size. The "standard" size is 2048
> bytes, but some
> Unix boxes require 512 bytes. Some SCSI CD-ROM drives (e.g.,
> Plextor) have
> a jumper setting for this. Some (e.g., Toshiba) have an
> undocumented set
> of solder pads that can be bridged for this.
> </nitpick>

Take a look at the SUN CDROM faq as it tells you how to overcome the
512-byte block size so that you can hook up one of the "Standard" SCSI
CDROMs. I believe the faq is at

Received on Tue Mar 28 2000 - 18:30:57 BST

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