Well, of all the VAX parts I got, I pieced together a VaxStation 3100 M38
w/32M RAM, the 2M 8Plane Video Card, RZ25L primary & RZ24L secondary drives
(anyone have extra of those little H.D. rubber-bumper footie things??? ;-)
and my buddy ordered the external SCSI cable necessary to run the CD-Rom...
so I hooked it all up over the weekend, including a 20" sync-on-green
Mac-based Philips multisync monitor, turned everything on, heard the
beautiful hum of 2 hard drives and .....................
watched the monitor go all wacky because it couldn't sync up correctly to
the DEC. :-( I could tell that the DEC was going thru diagnostics, because
(from what I could see thru that earthquake of a display) it looked like
the one-liner B...A...9...8... type of line I've heard folks describe here
(but have not yet seen in captivity myself... ;-)
So, I was just about to ask the list about how to go about hooking up a
PeeCee monitor to a DEC, when my friend sent me an email for this system:
DEC Alpha 3000 Model 300, 2 each 2Gig H.D., 64Meg RAM, 19" Monitor, all for
$250USD. Everything I've seen so far makes this sound like a good deal, but
I am assuming that:
1) the DEC monitor should sync up fine to the VaxStation...
2) I could pull 1 2Gig out and put it in a VaxStation...
Or do I still need to figure out what kind of doohickey will make the DEC
sync up to a PeeCee monitor?
This is gonna be sooooo kewl... ;-)
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger --- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right??? Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.
If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.
Received on Tue Mar 28 2000 - 18:40:03 BST