Kim-1 analog portions

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Tue May 30 15:50:52 2000

> So, I just lost an auction for a KIM-1... But this prompted me to ask
> a question:

I guess I should sell mine ....

> There's a lot of analog stuff (mostly large caps from what I can tell)
> in the lower left. Is this power supply stuff? Tape stuff? I've
> got a Sym-1, and doesn't have nearly as much analog on it.

Most stuff is good for the Tape interface - also some for the
RESET/NMI/Singlestep logic... Power is completly external - you
have to supply DC.


VCF Europa 2.0 am 28./29. April 2001 in Muenchen
Received on Tue May 30 2000 - 15:50:52 BST

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