Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

From: Mike Ford <>
Date: Tue May 30 15:52:23 2000

>> > Once it is in the skip, anyone taking it away, other than the waste
>> > disposal people, is stealing it. This has already been made clear to
>> > me.
>> Not sure what country you live in, but if you're in the US, then
>> regardless of whatever munincipal laws have been enacted, the U.S.
>> Supreme Court has ruled (on multiple occaisions) that refuse is
>> exactly that- stuff that people no longer want.
>Well, the rule depends. If it's a commercial dumpster on
>private property you're tresspassing and stealing if it's in
>the dumpster. At the curb it's on public property and avaiable.

If it didn't have value you wouldn't be taking it now would you? Here in
the peoples republic of California, Orange division once it hits the curb
is the legal property of the city, which gets a check from the waste
company based on aluminum cans etc. Scavenging is illegal, and they even
send out magnets with a hotline number to call for reporting it.

OTOH I had a little dumpster diving in mind for this afternoon.
Received on Tue May 30 2000 - 15:52:23 BST

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