> Yeah, a SPARC10 will run Solaris 8, but I wouldn't even consider running CDE
> on it. My friend runs a SPARCStation 5 (a newer machine) and says it's
> almost unusuable, he's gonna slide back to 2.6. I picked this stuff up from
> the University of Michigan Property Disposition, or "The Mad Wolverine's
> Computer Emporium" where they price equipment using some sort of roulette
> wheel as far as I can tell. Quadra 950? $300. RA-82 Hard drive? $1. They've
> got a boatload of older Cisco routers right now (IGS, AGS+) for around $50
> if someone is in the area and needs one.
Slick. Too bad it's not local. Rutgers used to do the same stuff, back
in the PDP days.
> And yes, my girlfriend knows what a SPARCStation 5 is, and can program PERL
> in her sleep. Ah, bliss....
Not bad.
My wife does Unix admin -- but she's not a Perl whiz --but she does a
pretty good webmistress job...
> Now if she only understood why a quarter of the basement is taken up by
> machines almost older than we are...
Well, my wife would settle with a quarter of the basement and half the
The disposal sale -- all items must go will begin shortly.
If I can't find the stuff homes they'll hit the trash.
Received on Wed May 31 2000 - 18:19:12 BST
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