On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Bill Pechter wrote:
> Which is why all my Sparcs are dumpster dive refugees (Sparc2's some
> with Sparc-UP double clocking. A Sparc10's still a useful machine to
> me, since it runs Solaris 8 and can run FrameMaker...
For me, a Sun 4/110 is still a useful fileserver; that's about all
it's used for, but, four shoeboxes with 5-1/4" drives spinning is
rather nice, and will do until I can get (and get space for!) a disk
farm of 14" Fujitsu Super Eagles, or even 9" CDC drives attached to a
largish mini. :-) ...that reminds me, I've got to get my 9" CDC drive
out of the living room and attached to one of my PDP-11s.
> That's why I was deploying dual boot Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris8 and Win9x/NT
> boxes at work... The best of both worlds.
Sounds good except for the Windoze software... maybe you could replace
that with OpenBSD to add some system security ... or replace
LuzedozeNT with TSX-32. (donning asbestos suit and ducking! :-)
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All Rights Reserved Wile E. Coyote on the Roadrunner cartoons is to
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Received on Tue Nov 14 2000 - 22:16:53 GMT