Need help identifying the following IC/CHIP
> From: "Ram Meenakshisundaram" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Need help identifying the following IC/CHIP
> Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 20:38:09 -0400
> Reply-to:
> Hi,
> As my transputer collection increases, I just received a broken BBK-S4 (Sparc-based SBUS transputer link adapter). As far as I can tell, the only broken piece is the firmware IC. The IC actually wa>
> TC57H256D-70
> VPP 12.5V
> Does anyone know what type of IC this is and where I can obtain one? I would love to install this on my IPX and connect my T805-30MHz Xplorer to it. Thanks
> Ram
That chip is eprom 32K x 8bit 70ns, you need to get data from
another who have extracted actual data from their intact eprom for
that board and have someone else burn a replacement eprom. Doesn't
have to be toshiba chip. Cost is not that expensive, appox 5 dollars
for suitable used or new blanks and labour cost.
That type of package, I find this hard to believe that can be broken
unless someone snaps this in two intentionally. Prying won't do
that. This takes real effort to break one even plastic ones is still
hard to break without some kind of impact or gripped between two
pliers. WHY?
Years ago, I used to split open old lidless ceramic "sandwich" style
ICs with a hammer and a chisel on it's seam. It takes hard blow to
do it. Even 14pin ceramic sandwich is hard to split open.
Received on Mon Oct 02 2000 - 16:16:56 BST
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