"You have the complete VMS docset on display in your living room."
Only one docs set? I have 2 complete ones and several incomplete ones...
"You keep wanting Digital to produce "Visual DCL""
Eh? I'd imagine that would look really weird on my LA120...
"You still have a VAX architecture manual"
Which one would you like? 80-81, 82, 86, or the big expanded 8.5" x 11" one?
And which rev of the instruction set reference do you prefer?
"You need a mouse with three buttons and the middle button is useful"
Mouse? Whazzat?
"You believe a computer might handle more than one user at a time"
Maybe, but they have to bring their own chair and their own terminal
"The concept of a blue screen of death is foreign to you"
Well, in theory, I suppose I could make a text page entirely composed of the
word "death" and somehow get a blue ribbon made for the LA120.. but where
does the screen part come in?
"You think that a command line interface is better than a GUI"
A GUI? Was someone drinking pop around the computer again?
"You reboot your desktop station once every 15 months (and only because
a tornado caused a city-wide power blackout)"
Hah, my station is being used *AS* a desktop
"You know you can find out how to use a command by typing help and get
it" I think I'll just look it up in the doc set, that'd be a lot of printing
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Received on Tue Oct 03 2000 - 16:55:53 BST