At 13:29 13-10-2000 -0400, L. Walker wrote:
> And I wouldn't exactly characterize the original post as
>polite, which referred to the "idiot who wrote the book on collecting
>computers". I can only assume this referred to Kevin Stumpf who is
>a sometime contributer to the list and has gone to great lengths to
>preserve old computers, and started many years before it became
I should actually have clarified my own position. I do NOT agree with R.D.
Davis that the VCF, or similar events, are responsible for the decline of
Interesting Stuff at the ham swap meets, nor the inflated prices one
sometimes sees for such gear when it does show up. That whole idea seems
silly to me.
As for Kevin Stumpf's book on collecting, I'm not prepared to either
condemn it or praise it at this point because I've not read it.
I see the VCF events themselves as a solid and worthwhile contribution to
the history of computing technology. I thought it was a good idea when
Sellam first mentioned it to me all those years ago at Quinntronics, and I
said as much back then: I still think they're a good idea in and of
The fact that I disagree with the mannerisms and online conduct of VCF's
creator is irrelevant (at least to me). ;-)
The "decline" mentioned earlier is, I believe, only one symptom of a much
deeper set of issues that I would choose not to go into on the list because
(a), I can get pretty wordy with a topic like that; And (b), I'm not
certain how on-topic it would be for the list overall.
> Many of us have been flayed by Sellams volitile personality. He
>only gave voice to my own indignation. While not giving him cart...
I know I said I wouldn't get back into this, but I feel compelled to say
this much.
I will agree with your first statement (that many of us have been 'flayed'
as it were). What I cannot understand is why Sellam feels such a need to
enroll the entire list in his (often violent) disagreements with others.
There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with disagreeing with someone... Lord
knows I've done it plenty of times, others have disagreed with me, and I'd
actually be pretty darn worried if people started agreeing with each other
ALL the time!
However, splattering one's spleen all over a (relatively) public mailing
list that is designed to benefit ALL participants is not something that I
can ever agree with. It's just plain unprofessional. THAT's what prompted
me to ask his ISP if they wanted to get involved.
Is there anyone on the list who DOESN'T think that such arguments are best
settled via private E-mail? Even if the eventual "settlement" takes the
form of one party blocking the other's messages? (as I already have).
I will admit... I'm still chuckling over the fact that he took the quote I
have in my signature block so very seriously. Thanks, Sellam, for a good
Ok... that's it from me on this topic. Definitely! I have lots of other
things to worry about. Like getting ready for my Cancun trip at the end of
next week. Hardly computing-related, but bound to be fun in any case.
Keep the peace(es).
Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies // E-mail:
Amateur Radio: WD6EOS since Dec. '77 (Extra class as of June-2K)
"I'll get a life when someone demonstrates to me that it would be
superior to what I have now..." (Gym Z. Quirk, aka Taki Kogoma).
Received on Sat Oct 14 2000 - 02:23:48 BST