I have this old Mac SCSI drive+enclosure, a Dataframe 20 model.
It came with an old Mac 512K that has a 3rd party SCSI card.
I would like to save the data from the drive for archival/historical
purposes, but I am having trouble for several reasons.
In a newer apple laptop, the hd is not recognized at all,
neither by silverlining nor by APS formatter. And I can't
attach the drive to other machines because I don't know how
to set its SCSI ID to something other than 0. The drive houses
an older Microscience drive and a bridge labeled
"SMS MODEL OMTI 3100"; this has, among other things, a Z8
and a 2764. The label on this last IC says "SUPERMAC 3103".
Everything seems to have been manufactured in 1986.
Does anybody know how to set the SCSI id for this bridge?
Will it look like a standard SCSI device to another apple, or
is this a non-standard beast?
Carlos Murillo-Sanchez email: cem14_at_cornell.edu
428 Phillips Hall, Electrical Engineering Department
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
Received on Tue Oct 24 2000 - 12:04:23 BST