Mac TCP/IP networking (was Re: old MAC's)

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 12:40:23 2000

> > But of the 68Ks, I think the SE/30 is the most useful (to me). I use mine
> > as a boot server for the IIgses and as the LocalTalk server, after I stuck
> > a gig drive in it.
> Is it possible to remote boot a IIgs? I wasn't aware of that. Can you point
> me to info about how it's done? I doubt I'd do it, just curious. My IIgs
> has a larger HD than any of my Macs, but I've been thinging of putting
> a big drive in the IIfx I just obtained to use it as a LocalTalk server.

It sure is, but it requires a rather specific setup. Go into the IIgs
Control Panel (I have ROM 03 IIgses; this may not work on ROM 0 or 1)
and set its startup disk to Slot 2 (as I recall, I haven't done this in awhile
and the gs isn't currently setup). Plug the LocalTalk box in. Reboot and the
machine should after a brief pause start looking for a boot server. Assuming
it finds one, it gets its boot block from it, and then you go into the whole
AFP login process from there on the IIgs.

The boot server is the tricky business. I use Finder 6.0.8 and AppleShare v2;
I got GS/OS and the Apple II boot blocks from a primary school nearby, and
then enabled Apple II booting within AppleShare Admin. I don't know if this
works on v3 but it definitely is not in v4 and higher.

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation. -- H. H. Munro ----
Received on Tue Oct 24 2000 - 12:40:23 BST

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