Free Epson JX-80 Color Printer & Summagraphics graphics tablet for Z100 in Ann Arbor, MI
These are free for the cost of shipping from Ann Arbor, MI. Please
contact me off list if interested, and I'll supply the owners email
Your computer will do far more than you ever expected it to,
and that won't be enough.
Pournelle's First Law
Dear Bill,
Way back in February you put in a bid on my Z100. As
you no doubt surmised, you were outbid and the Z100
went to a collector out in California. For your
information, the winning bid was $350 and that was just
for the computer and monitor.
Looking over my basement recently I came across the two
other items that were part of my Z100 setup, namely the
JX-80 printer and the Summagraphics graphics tablet.
These are boxed up in their original cartons, complete
with documentation and ready to ship.
You didn't get my Z100, but I thought you might want
these other beautiful vintage items, still in good
working order. You can have them for the cost of UPS
shipment. The JX-80, boxed up, weighs about 25 lb. The
tablet, boxed up, weighs about 10 lb. I'm in Ann Arbor,
Michigan, which is about a 5 hour drive from
Washington, PA. (Shipping should be less than $20).
If you ever get your hands on a working Z100 I'd be
glad to send you my Blokpix software at no charge.
I quote here below the text of the description I sent
out to you about this equipment.
Additional hardware supported by Blokpix is a
Summagraphics graphics tablet with a 2-button stylus
and a 4-button cursor. Attaches to the serial port. The
active surface of the tablet is 12" x 12". Also an
Epson JX-80 color dot matrix printer, which we used to
print out our designs. Attaches to the parallel port.
I still have a few unused 4-color ribbons for this
printer, but they may well be dried out by now. Such
ribbons can be reinked. There are a couple of places
that do this kind of reinking. Epson no longer makes
the ribbons, but you can still get black ribbons that
work on it. These are for MX-80 or FX-80 machines.
I'll be glad to throw in a handsome custom-designed
lucite printer stand. This is a good workhorse 9-pin
printer, still working fine.
The most interesting software is that which I wrote
myself. I have a graphics program called Blokpix that
my wife and I used for years to design repeating
designs for the fabric, apparel and wallpaper
industries. You can have this. I even wrote a manual
for it. I also wrote a demo program that displays
graphic designs until you stop it. It can be
controlled by writing a script. You can have this
program along with the script I wrote for showing off
our designs at trade shows. This makes a nice display.
If you want the lucite stand, that will have to go in a
separate box. It would add another dollar or two to
the shipping cost.
Bill, please let me know soon if you would like these
items. If not, they will go to the local recycling
center where they will be cannibalized for valuable
metals. At least they will not go into the landfill.
But I'd much rather see their working lives extended by
a caring collector like you.
Received on Tue Oct 31 2000 - 17:31:15 GMT
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