What kind of tape is this? [+ how can I hack it?]

From: Rodrigo Ventura <yoda_at_isr.ist.utl.pt>
Date: Sun Sep 3 11:40:14 2000

        I've just found a tape I recovered some time ago from the
trash. It realy looks old. Tape dimensions: 1/2 inch, density 6250dpi,
reel exterior diameter 8 1/2 inches, reel internal hole 95mm. What
might it be?

        I have a QIC tape drive and a DEC TZ30 tape drive. Is there
any chance (I mean, any chance at all, no matter how crazy) to hack a
way of reading it with the those tape drives? Just wondering...


*** Rodrigo Martins de Matos Ventura <yoda_at_isr.ist.utl.pt>
***  Web page: http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/~yoda
***   Teaching Assistant and PhD Student at ISR:
***    Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Polo de Lisboa
***     Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
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