MicroVAX 3100 booting question...

From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_pechter.dyndns.org>
Date: Fri Apr 27 15:19:31 2001

> healyzh skrev:
> ><sigh> Kindly never apply for a job where I'm working.
> If they can't handle that, they don't belong in any even remotely critical
> applications.

Just because they're not blinking the disk lights enough
for you to see (btw there ARE NO DISK LIGHTS on Suns, Vaxes
and some other systems we're talking about) doesn't mean there are not
half-writen files that will lose data in the queue to be written.

Also, on some older systems there's the risk of Write Current being
asserted during disk controller power down causing spiral write (write
current and write gate asserted while disk seeks to track 0 on
controller reset.

You're being a bit clue< here.

You can swap PC keyboards and mice hot until you happen
to blow the 5 volt fuse... and then you learn YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO.


If the critical application has a file open and it loses it when you
pull the power in an unexpected manor you could lose data.

No question. It's true.


Version: 3.12
GIT d? s+:+ a+ C+++ UB++++ P+ L+ E--- W++ N++ o K++ w---
O++ M+ V++ PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5 X R- tv++ b+ DI++ D-
G e++ h---- r+++ y++++
 "Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a villain 
  in a James Bond movie"  - Dennis Miller || bpechter_at_shell.monmouth.com
Received on Fri Apr 27 2001 - 15:19:31 BST

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