Why to shutdown rather than powe r off computers

From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_pechter.dyndns.org>
Date: Fri Apr 27 15:37:47 2001

> > Some people don't understand any multitasking OS's.
> > This will go on until he loses major data or trashes some disk structure.
> > Even AIX's jfs will lose eventually in this situation.
> But you do have to work at it. stockholm, this machine, is AIX 4.1.x and it's
> tough to kill its disk. I've never had an error out of it, even with the
> world's most pathological hard crashes, inexplicable UPS failures and stupid
> people unplugging the wrong thing in the server room.

My AIX 3.2.5 boxes at the last job lost their rootvg or at least the
boot area once and since they were decommissioned and non-y2k compliant
I never did fix them.

Version: 3.12
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 "Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a villain 
  in a James Bond movie"  - Dennis Miller || bpechter_at_shell.monmouth.com
Received on Fri Apr 27 2001 - 15:37:47 BST

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