Tony Duell wrote:
> Yes, but what's wrong with the existing supply? Why change?
Weight reduction. There's nothing wrong (yet, I haven't tested the PSU).
> We have a 'ring circuit', fused at 30A. A cable that starts from the fuse
> box, loops round every outlet, and back to the fuse box. There is no
> limit to the number of sockets on a ring, but there is a maximum area
> that it can cover.
Our fuses are 10A or 16A by default, although they can be replaced
by 20A fuses when requested from the power company. Cable diameter is
2.5mm^2, massive core. A normal circuit lasts 3.5KW, and when using
20A fuses it's 4.4KW. Our plugs are not fused by themselfs.
Since in my hobby room I have 2 sockets on the same fuse, I may just
need to either upgrade the fuse in the switchbox, or lay an extra
cable with it's own fuse.
The Wanderer | Politici zijn gore oplichters. | Europarlementariers: zakkenvullers | en neuspeuteraars.
Unix Lives! M$ Windows is rommel! | Kilometerheffing : De overheid
'97 TL1000S | weet waar je bent geweest!
Received on Wed Aug 01 2001 - 10:31:17 BST