- "Early" 3.5" diskettes (was: Wired covers VCF east
- "hello world program"
- "test" posts
- 'HELLO' on the ENIAC
- 2/3 drives (was: TRS80 help needed
- 3 chip video output (OT, I guess)
- 3 foot steel 19" rack...
- 3270 emulation hardware
- 6502 vs 68000
- 68020 ISA card
- 8" Floppies
- 874256098
- ??? Spare mechanical parts for IMSAI 8080 ???
- [80sBBS] Another Sub-Site, Another Plea for Assistance (fwd)
- [classic-cmp] Sharp MZ-80K Basic tape
- [Fwd: Undeliverable Mail]
- [jjc_at_mac.com: pdp11 stuff]
- [laroche_at_aracor.com: Surplus VAX]
- [mac-nt] [Off] Token Ring Cards
- [ot?] request for comment
- [ot?] request for comment)
- [Way OT] Knock it off!
- ^ as pipe
- ^X (was: an odd question
- _before_ (kind of) IRC - was classic email...
- A few more Apple ][ cards
- AC5954N clock chip (I think)
- Acorn Atom Econet
- Advanced/36
- Altair documentation
- Altair32 News
- Altair32 Posted
- Altair32 Update
- Amiga 500 and stuff to good home
- Amiga magazines free/trade
- Amstrad PPC640 mains adapter
- Amusing contest idea...
- An analogue tale
- an odd question
- ancient LaserJet's
- ancient laserjets
- ancient laserjets, Memory expansion boards
- another DECServer question ...
- another NeXT question...
- another test
- Answers (was: Bet you can't Name that connector...
- Any interest in Apple IIgs computers?
- any Onyx Z8000s out there?
- Anyone know where...
- Apple II software, system discs, blank disks? Help!!
- Apple II Stuff for Sale
- Apple II+ Keyboard Encoder
- Apple IIGS for parts
- Apple LISA easter egg...
- Are office
- Are office people really that, umm shall we say...slow?
- Are office people...
- ASCII arrow... (was: an odd question
- ASR-33
- Assembly vs. Everything Else (was: Curricula (was: Assembly vs. Everything Else
- Assembly vs. Everything Else (was: SemiOT: Mourning for Classic Computing)
- Assembly vs. Everything Else (was: SemiOT: Mourning for ClassicComputing)
- Assembly vs. Everything Else (was: SemiOT: Mourning forClassicComputing)
- AT&T 7300 Manual
- Atari Technical Archive
- Available: DG Eclipse S/140 Programmer's Reference
- BA123 Power
- BA23 expansion chassis for free, Tucson AZ
- Badly Warped Boards
- Bell Technologies Workstation Graphics Engine
- Bet you can't Name that connector...
- Big Iron
- Blanket insults for one's peer group
- building a PDP11 from the things you
- building a PDP11 from the things you find at home
- building a PDP11 from the things you find at home)
- Bush uncancels VCF!
- california digital
- Car batteries in the home?
- CBM 8032 SK
- CBM 8032 SK (& electronics)
- CComp alert: Ed Roberts
- CD-R utility
- Central Florida Computer Junk Fest !
- CF Computer Junk Fest
- CF Computer Junk Fest Update
- Cheap cars (was: 1%...)
- Cheap cars (was: 1%...), and increasingly OT
- Classic stuff available.
- classiccmp Jobs?
- classiccmp-digest V1 #683
- classiccmp-digest V1 #690
- classiccmp-digest V1 #694
- classiccmp-digest V1 #698
- cleaning qbus enclosures
- Commodore Stuff For Sale
- Computer Disposal
- Corvus OmniNet Protocol???
- CRAY EL-98
- Cray EL-98 Supercomputer - 2 units on Ebay
- CTM-70 info
- Culture Shock
- Culture Shock)
- Curricula (was: Assembly vs. Everything Else
- Curricula ...
- Dallas RTC chips (was: Ace
- Danish
- Data General Nova memory boards
- Datasystems Design Board + RX33 floppies
- Date Reminder, Electronics Garage Sale
- Dead PC
- DEC 3 fat pin cable
- DEC 3000 trouble
- DEC discussion board
- DEC manuals available
- DEC rack header plates
- DEC VAX/PDP peripherals
- DEC VT180 (Robin)
- DECMux 300?!?
- Decoding Nazi Secrets
- DECserver 90M fault codes
- DECServer again
- DECstation 3100 up for grabs in Los Angeles area (fwd)
- Desperately looking for an X11 server for Inmos G300-based boards
- DIAB DS-90
- Digital font
- DILOG DQ-614
- DILOG DQ-614 Format Program
- Disk format for Altair88DSK
- DMA Systems Micro Magnum 5/5 ST-5xx
- Does anyone have an Exidy Sorcerer 2?
- doh!
- DOS for S-100?
- Down-under articles on retrocomputing
- DRV11-WA question
- DSSI Terminator
- Early internetworking connections
- Ebay madness
- Ebay madness nad a Vax 11/780
- economics
- Emulex board info needed
- EPROM sideline)
- Epson HX-20
- epson Q150A , i need a hard disk :)
- Exidy Sorcerr - IT WORKS
- Expectations, Tasks and assignments (was: Assembly vs. BASIC
- Expectations, Tasks and assignments (was: Assembly vs. Everything
- Expectations, Tasks and assignments (was: Assembly vs.Everything
- Favorite screen capture program for Windows
- Fibre Optic Cable 1005-0078
- Finds in Houston
- Finds in Houston)
- Foonly
- Free DEC Pro/Rainbow stuff, Washington DC area
- free for postage or or toss
- Free Q-bus/Unibus boards, you pay shipping
- Free S-100 stuff, Washington DC area
- Free: DEC/VMS "Orange Wall"
- Free: HP Software
- FREE: two RX01 dual floppy drive units
- FS: DZV11's (M7957) w/ cab kits
- FS: SCSI Scanner
- FS: Silent 700s and Trimm 19" rack mount box with slides
- FS: VAXStation 3100/M76
- FSOT 2
- Funny old world...
- Fwd: 5 1/4 Diskettes
- Fwd: Apple IIgs rescue in Florida
- Gateway Z80 ISA cards
- Google wants your Usenet CDs
- GW Bush Cancelled VCF 5.0 VCF
- H8 trade
- Hans Franke's trek continues
- hardware problem in HP framebuffer?
- Hayes Chronograph on eBay
- Hazeltine 1500 Technical Info.
- He's just checking-in . . .
- Hello world again
- Hello World! on modern processors.
- Houston freebies
- How do you take apart a Z-19 case?
- How many collectors?
- How many collectors?)
- How to get an M7554 (KDJ11-SD) working as a PDP-11
- HP 1820-1691 microprocessor pinout
- HP 9000/226
- HP Integral FS
- HP-64000 Development System Manuals
- HP-85A problems..dead CPU?
- HP-85B service manual
- HP2000 Access - It LIVES! *GRIN*
- HP2000 Access - It LIVES! *GRIN*)
- HP2000 BASIC
- HP64000 - DOS
- HS-1
- HSZ40B Flash Card
- humorous descriptions of ebay item
- IBM 5150 PC
- IBM 5150 PC)
- IBM AS/400 Advanced 36
- IBM Dos 4.00
- IBM PC 5150 memory device driver?
- IBM PS/2 Keyboard Cable
- IBM SIMMS question
- IC identification
- Identify this mystery Q-Bus board!
- Important Message About VCF 5.0
- info for miniscribes 3085
- Inquiry into Wang Computers
- installing VMS
- investments.
- Just curious about injection molding or casting
- Just out of curiosity..
- Keyboard for VT320
- LA Times articles about the PC's 20th birthday
- LA36 Decwriter Boards
- Language disco
- Laser printer controllers (was: Answers (was: Bet you can't Name
- Laser printer controllers (was: Answers (was: Bet you can't Name that connector...
- Last week's finds
- Latest acquistions
- Latest addition : PDP 11/70
- Latest addition : PDP 11/70)
- Length of Cables for ESDI Hard Disk Drives
- LISP machine for sale
- LISP machine is GONE
- Looking for Altair loader program
- Looking for article in _at_Biz
- Looking of Digital Alpha CPU/Motherboard
- MCA systems
- Memorex Telex Displaystation
- Memory use in new vs old machines.
- miniscribes 3085
- MIPS RISC/os 4.5 docs available
- Misc 4004, PDP II that got away
- Misc. computers for sale
- MIT Flea Market - again...
- MIT Flea Market on 8/19?
- MO drives...
- More DEC docs
- More free Q-bus/Unibus boards, you pay shipping
- more PDP-11 / PDP-12 scans up
- MPP Possibility (Was: Notice)
- My local Goodwill
- My other computer is a Cray!
- Name that connector...
- National Semi 32000 ICs available
- nearly complete Stack...
- NEC Electra 28 Phone System
- Need capacitor value translated
- Need Freon TF Substitute for Head Cleaning
- Need ST506-based HD (20MByte or 55MByte)
- NELIAC (was: Curricula (was: Assembly vs. Everything Else))
- Netiquette?
- new acquisition - Rockell AIM 65/40
- New Find
- new find...
- New stuff
- New stuff (HP9000)
- new stuff...
- Newsweek mentions VCFe and Sellam
- NeXT Passwords
- NeXT question
- No Trap Taken, Exp Trap Type - 00000009...Solved...simms in wrong banks...now more questions...
- Not using one's own products (was: Curricula (was: Assembly
- NOTICE FROM ....... -- NO HTML please! --
- NOTICE FROM THE LIST HOST -- a vote in favor of limited moderation
- Now *this* is cool
- Now I don't agree
- O.T. But a good SBC deal for my PS/2 friends
- O.T.: Things to do/see in San Francisco?
- OC71 - crystal set
- Off Topic - stereo to PC question
- Okay, not exactly within timeframe for classic, but...
- old computers
- old NEC APC computer
- Old parallel Conectix Quick Cam info wanted
- One more Hayes unit to look out for
- Online version of 8080 manual
- Opening a Z-19: Thanks!
- Osborne 1 Video -- again
- osborne display driver
- OT justice (flamebait) and cars
- OT: 3 foot steel 19" rack...
- OT: Bagels & Coffee (was: Chevy Vega...)
- OT: Cheap cars (was: 1%...)
- OT: Clueless users, PC labels and color-codes
- OT: discussion of "real world" vs. "list world"
- OT: driving in Italy (was Mourning for Classic Computing)
- OT: HVD SCSI controller
- OT: IBM AS/400 Advanced 36
- OT: Need "Copy Exec" ... anybody hear of this?
- OT: Need Source for Sharp LCD Screens
- OT: Stupid User Story
- OT: TV Tuner / demodulator
- overwhelmed with paper tapes
- Paging Eric Smith or Al Kossow
- PC/AT memory boards
- PC11 & 11/20 Questions
- PCI to NUBUS adaptation
- PDP 11/34 inventory
- PDP 11/34 work party
- PDP 11/34 work party -- additional questions
- PDP 11/84's - any interest?
- pdp 11/94 available
- PDP-11 assembly language reference
- PDP-11/23 PLUS and FDF11 option
- PDP-11/23 PLUS commercial instruction set (CIS)
- PDP-11/23 question
- PDP-12s, anyone?
- PDP-8/i Question
- PDP11 ME11-L board locations ?
- PDP11/84 up for grabs
- pdp11]
- PDP8 tutorials?
- PeeCee turn
- PeeCee turn s 20) [longish]
- PeeCee turns
- PeeCee turns 20
- PeeCee turns 20) [longish]
- Personal Computer World magazine: an 8080 puzzle and "Z80 is
- Personal Computer World magazine: an 8080 puzzle and "Z80 is dead"
- Personal Computer World magazine: an 8080 puzzle and "Z80 isdead"
- Personal Computer World magazine: RML 380Z
- Pet
- Pictures from VCF East 1.0
- pigware
- pigware (Descent)
- Pinging Joe Rigdon
- Plastic or Ceramic?
- Plessey "PDP-11"
- Possible to read Amiga disks on a PC? Yes, actually
- QBUS SCSI - Alpha Trade?
- RDD40 External CDROM Caddy
- recent additions
- recent political commentary)
- Romar TOY-11
- Room for Collections
- S-100 Power Supplies: thanks!
- SC/MP NIBL emultor by Henry Mason
- scelbi
- SCSI Scanner
- Second Source i4004?
- seeking junked VAXstation 4000-series
- Sellam Ismail in _at_Biz frontpage on collecting old 'puters (T
- Sellam Ismail in _at_Biz frontpage on collecting old 'puters (Toron
- SemiOT: Mourning for
- SemiOT: Mourning for Classic C
- SemiOT: Mourning for Classic C ompu
- SemiOT: Mourning for Classic Compu
- SemiOT: Mourning for Classic Compu ting)
- SemiOT: Mourning for Classic Computing
- SemiOT: Mourning for Classic Computing)
- Service does still exist....
- Service does still exist....)
- Slightly OT, but...
- SLU pinout for DEC 11/53 KDJ11-D/S processor
- small rack enclosures, seen this one?
- So do you still want this Northstar or what?!
- Solbourne VME Boards
- Solbourne VME Boards)
- Solution to OT messages (was: NOTICE FROM THE LIST HOST)
- Some interesting finds today
- Some of the List Made the Mag.
- Sorry
- sorry OT (was socio-political $%#_at_$#%)
- sound "card" for the big VAX :-)
- SPARCStation 1 HD size limits..
- SPARCStations anyone?
- Speech chips again
- SS1 ethernet MAC address...
- SS1 ethernet MAC address... (and my collection!)
- ST Microelectronics
- Stuff I looked at today
- Sun cdrom drive ...
- Sunlight damage and electronics
- SunOS
- SunOS (er... Solaris)
- Switching PS for S-100 Computer?
- SWP ATR8000 with hard drive upgrade....
- symphony for dot matrix printers
- tape drive question
- Tek 465 as a hobby scope?
- Tektronix 31
- Telex 1186, Laser 128, and a hello
- telnet interface for simh
- Terminals
- test
- The subject at hand is Classic Computers
- This week's finds
- thoughts/opinions on computer collecting value
- TI Stuff for Sale
- Tiny Basic again
- TMS7040
- Tony, try this ;>)
- TOPS PC FlashCards
- Totaly OT
- TOY-11
- trojan room coffee pot on ebay
- TRS80 help needed
- TRS80 help received
- Two DEC LN03 toner / maintenance kits available
- Two NICs in one machine - how?
- two-decade old FOCAL interpreter doc/listing
- UC04 configuration
- UC04 scsi board on one PDP/11 23 PLUS
- Universal filename translation system
- Upcoming Garage Sale
- Update SIMPLEX doc
- Varian Collectors Heads-Up
- VAX - DRV11 Problem
- VAX 11/780 to 785 upgrade, what does it take?
- VAX 11/785 as a workstation :-)
- Vax 6000 (fwd)
- VAX 8700 in Madison, WI
- VAX stuff in OH, PA, NY, MA, CT, RI
- VCF 5.0 - What are you looking for List
- VCF 5.0 Exhibitors Wanted!
- VCF 5.0 on the verge of being cancelled :(
- VCF 5.0 Saturday Night Dinner
- VCF East keyboard purchasers
- VCF East makes The Economist
- VCF East on Slashdot.org
- VCF East, GT-40, GT-42, GT-62 brochures, Nova software
- VERY old FOCAL snippets and programs
- VFC East on Slashdot
- Vintage Computer Festival 5.0 - Sept. 15-16 in San Jose, California
- vintage computers (Forward From kees.stravers_at_iae.nl)
- Vintage computing needs a good press release
- Wanted : 8" boot disk for TRS80 Model II
- Wanted ASR-33 in Washington DC area
- Wanted: Old issues of DEC Professional
- Wanted: Old issues of DEC Professional)
- Wanted: TeleVideo CP/M machine(s)
- Was: Commodore Stuff For Sale
- What is a QBus Z-Board by Virtual Microsystems
- what is a vxt2000?
- what the hell.
- What's a LISA worth
- What's your coolest ISA card?
- What's your coolest ISA card? PC/370 ???
- What's your coolest ISA card?)
- Whats you oldest computer
- where can a replacement CRT be found?
- Where do you buy components?
- where to find old ICs ?
- Which Vax is This?
- Who reads their email the most Classically?
- Wired covers VCF east
- Wired covers VCF east (wayne green)
- Wiring Classic Machines to Triacs (was: Assembly vs....
- WTB/T: hp-21 battery pack anyone?
- Xerox Viewpoint on 5 1/4" disks Availaible, Astoria, OR
- Z80, CP/M & TCP/IP?
- Z8000
- Zenith
- ZNR Varistor markings
- Last message date: Fri Aug 31 2001 - 23:13:53 BST
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:33:36 BST