Personal Computer World magazine: an 8080 puzzle and "Z80 is dead"

From: Paul Williams <>
Date: Fri Aug 3 04:10:49 2001

The Letters page of these magazines are as interesting as some of the
articles. Of course, when we're talking about over 20 years ago in a
hobbyist magazine, the letter-writers of one issue were quite likely to
write articles in the next.

Two extracts for you.

>From David C. Broughton of Northwood, Middlesex, in the November 1978

   Here is a little puzzle to test your readers' 8080 machine ingenuity:

   "Imagine you possess an 8080 with 64K bytes of read/write memory
   which you want to clear. Write a program that sets all 65536 bytes
   to zero."

>From P.F.T. Tilsley of Loughborough, Leics., in the May 1979 issue:

   The choice of the Z80 for a home system at this time is perhaps a
   little rash because of the choice of 16 bit processors making
   their appearance. A better choice would probably be the Z8000
   which is due to be available in the next few months.

Three years later, I still bought a Z80 system. Ho hum.

Received on Fri Aug 03 2001 - 04:10:49 BST

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