VAX 11/785 as a workstation :-)

From: John Allain <>
Date: Fri Aug 3 06:58:22 2001

> All this talk makes me wonder (and I know this question has been answered
> before, but I have forgotten): what equipment did they use to do the
> computer graphics in movie Tron?

One company (there were at least three for Tron), MAGI, actually used an IBM
Mainframe programmed with punch cards (I don't know which framebuffer they
used). Not too exciting to watch being done. Remember, CG was and still is
made in non-real-time, only back then it was a little more extreme.
MAGI Synthavision was a real early bird. I remember seeing an article for
it in
Popular Science in the 70's.

John A.
Received on Fri Aug 03 2001 - 06:58:22 BST

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