Personal Computer World magazine: RML 380Z

From: Hans B Pufal <>
Date: Fri Aug 3 08:20:13 2001 wrote:
> Would be great if you could make that available to all of us.

I wll make it so...

> By the way, does anyone have any other stuff from old mags scanned and uploaded anywhere on teh web? I'm very interested in getting as much as I can, and also if anyone has any spare mags for sale I collect these too!

I tried to get PCW interetsed in getting the collection scanned and on
line but had no luck. Perhaps it's time to ask again, just their OK to
put up scans more than, say, 10 years old would be helpful.

 -- HBP
Received on Fri Aug 03 2001 - 08:20:13 BST

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