CTM-70 info

From: Martin.Kaeser_at_auge.de <(Martin.Kaeser_at_auge.de)>
Date: Fri Aug 3 10:59:34 2001

Hello all,

i located a CTM-70 desk size computer and need some more information.

Here is what i have (correction welcome):

CTM is probably short for "Computertechnik M?ller", located in
southern Germany in the early 1970s. Mr M?ller produced one or two
dozends of his computers, then CTM went out of business. He went on to
design the hyperstone processor. The hyperstone company promised to
take a look at their archive, but i did not get any response after
this first one.

The machine is built into a desk, complete with keyboard, monitor,
printer and three 8" drives. There is no documentation on the machine,
the only software is costum made.

I am looking for information on the hardware, the operating system (if
any), and pinouts of the keyboard, printer and monitor connectors.


Martin K?ser
Received on Fri Aug 03 2001 - 10:59:34 BST

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