> > Windows 1 required a special driver disk, which had drivers
>for both the
>> digital mouse and the Model 2000's hires graphics adapter, to run on the
>> Model 2000. It is the only version of Windows that will run on the machine.
>> If anyone happens to have that driver disk though, which carried Tandy part#
>> 7002611, I'd be interested in obtaining a copy. To the best of my knowledge
>> the driver disk was provided seperately.
>Ok, count me in for one if they become available, I've
>got a 2000 too!
I wouldn't get your hopes up too much. I've had 2000's since
1988 and have never come across this driver disk. I've got a
Digi-mouse on a 2000HD with the color graphics board, so it would be
cool to load it up though.
Home of the TRS-80 Model 2000 FAQ File
Received on Fri Aug 03 2001 - 16:08:14 BST