Personal Computer World magazine: an 8080 puzzle and "Z80 is dead"

From: Fred Cisin <>
Date: Fri Aug 3 20:19:21 2001

On 4 Aug 2001, Iggy Drougge wrote:
> > Here is a little puzzle to test your readers' 8080 machine ingenuity:
> > "Imagine you possess an 8080 with 64K bytes of read/write memory
> > which you want to clear. Write a program that sets all 65536 bytes
> > to zero."
> Seemed like a piece of cake until it dawned upon me that the program has got
> to be stored somewhere. =/

PUSH is a good way to do it, BUT, ...
To clear ALL memory, the PUSH instruction must be at location 0 (at least
by the end of the program). Otherwise, the program code will be zero'd
out before it is done.
Can you do it WITHOUT self-modifying code?

> Apart from the extremely short-lived Commodore 900, were there any other Z8000
> based systems?

I think that Olivetti did one.

Did anyone ever build a 65000 based system?

Grumpy Ol' Fred
Received on Fri Aug 03 2001 - 20:19:21 BST

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