>Generally, the term 'serious collectors' is used to describe the minority of
>people who go for depth over bredth.
Personally, I would have to disagree. I don't believe the
scope of one's collection, whether it be a collection that goes after
every single item connected to a single type or machine or whether it
tries to cover every specific machine from a given period, has much
to do with whether or not someone is a 'serious' collector. It's the
effort put forth and the overall quest for knowledge and
understanding of the systems collected that marks one as a serious
collector vice the person who goes out and buys a system/systems,
stashes it aways somewhere and never truly tries to learn about and
understand what they've accumalated. I've gone for quite a broad
collection, covering the first 10 years or so of the microcomputer
era, but I would call myself a serious collector. It is here for my
enjoyment and to learn all I can concerning each machine. To me, the
statement you've made above is trying to put down those who's
interest are broader in scope. I do agree though that both types of
collectors are needed.
Home of the TRS-80 Model 2000 FAQ File
Received on Sat Aug 04 2001 - 11:30:36 BST