Jeff Hellige <> on 08/06/2001 03:13:26
Please respond to
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Subject: Re: pigware
>>True... For grins-n-giggles I loaded up DOS on my AMD T-Bird 900 MHz box
>>with 512M or RAM when a certain bloated pig'ware OS crashed because it
>>"out of resources" and ran Descent - a game designed to run on a 50MHz
>>processor... It ran like a spotted ape! Wonderful framerates!
>>I like the tagline BTW, and Descent came out in um.... 1993 I think,
>>1992. So it's almost vintage. <grin>
> The 3 CD's of the 'Descent I and II - The Definitive
>Collection' are copyrighted 1997 but I know that Descent I came out
>long before that. 1992/93 sounds about right though. It was always
>one of my favorite 3D shooter games. That and Marathon on the Mac.
>The specs listed for Descent I are a 486DX2-66, DOS 5 and 8MB of RAM.
>Descent II required Win95 and was accelerated for the S3 Virge 3D
> Jeff
> Home of the TRS-80 Model 2000 FAQ File
8 Meg... <grin> true, true. The version of D2 you have may "require"
win95, but the Win95 "port" (well, it was more of a wrapper for the game
really) of Descent 2 came out ummm... 9 months or so after D2 was released.
Interplay released it as a DOS game originally, (I think in 1994) and then
Win95 came out a year later and they released the "Win95 enhanced version."
<grin> with much pomp and circumstance. (On that note, FASA/Hasbrough (?)
released Mechwarrior Mercenaries a similar way: write the game as a DOS
game with IPX network support, with a Win95 wrapper so win95 would think
that it was a wingame. back to your regularly scheduled programming...
- M.S.
Received on Mon Aug 06 2001 - 16:35:28 BST