DEC 3000 trouble

From: Tom Owad <>
Date: Mon Aug 6 21:18:36 2001

>> I think its either a model 600 or 700. At any rate, its very large and
>> is a tower design. I have not yet used the system and am trying to get
>> it to boot. I do not have a keyboard, mouse, or monitor for it, so I
>> need to connect via terminal, but am having som trouble.
>The 600 is a desktop model, so I am assuming that you are referring to a

I found the name on the back. It's an 800.

>The DEC 3000's usually expect the keyboard/mouse cable to be present.
>If it doesn't detect them it will generate an error. In order to use it as
>a headless system make sure you flip the small switch that is on the back
>where all the ports are. Then the machine will ignore the keyboard error
>and use the serial console port.

Which way is flipped? Left or right? I've tried it both ways.
>> For a terminal, I am using an Apple Powerbook G4 with ZTerm set to 9600,
>> 8, n, 1. I'm using a Keyspan USB-Serial adapter and a null modem
>> adapter. I've connected my "terminal" to the 25 pin printer serial port
>> on the DEC 3000.
>That is not a serial port, actually it is parallel. The serial ports in
>the DEC3000 are MMJ type, which is a modied phone jack and propietary to
>DEC. Try to find an MMJ to DB9 or 25 converter. That is your serial

Searching for MMJ adatpers...

Laster <> has MMJ to DB25 adapters for $0.51. To
use this adapter, though, it looks like I'll also need an MMJ cable.

15 minutes later...

I found a $7 cable at, but they want $14 for the
adatpers. I need a straigt cable, right, as opposed to a crossed?

I'm going to keep looking, but anybody have a cable and adapter they'd
like to sell together?

>> I power up the DEC, it does its whirling and spinning
>> up, but I never get anything at all on my terminal. I've tried booting
>> with the S3 switch (whicdh I understand is supposed to change from kb/
>> mouse/monitor to console mode) in both directions, but to no avail.
>> The LED on the front reads "FD". It's possible that the RAM I have
>> installed (which I got from another DEC 3000) is not appropriate for the
>> system.

Does "FD" mean anything in particular?

>Putting RAM is also tricky, you need to put them in groups of 8 simms per
>bank, all of the same type in each bank. A bank is defined by all the
>simms at the same height (the model 600, which I am familiar with has the
>memory simms plugged into 4 sets of raisers, so bank 1 = all the simms
>that go near the motherboard from the bottom, and bank 2 = all the simms
>that go on top of bank 1)

I have the first card (of four cards) completely filled.

>> Any suggestions on what I need to do to get this to work are very much
>> appreciated. This is completely out of my area of expertise and I hate
>> to keep power cycling the DEC while I experiment.
>Good luck, hope this helps...

Yes it does. Thank you!


Received on Mon Aug 06 2001 - 21:18:36 BST

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