At the time, I only had email and usenet access. I was using a 286 12
so graphical web access wasn't an option for me. I don't know how well
Arachne would have worked, either. I don't think it was anywhere near
as far along as it is now.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Ram Meenakshisundaram wrote:
> Chad Fernandez wrote:
> > I had a pair of Trackstar cards that were each essentially an Apple ][
> > Plus on an ISA card. I couldn't figure out how to make them work, so I
> > sold them on Ebay... I think. I would rather have had the later
> > Trackstar card that was an Apple//e on a card, anyway.
> >
> >
> A simple google search has revealed the following FAQ and location for
> the software for the Trackstar:
> Now that wasnt hard was it ;-)
> Ram
> --
> ,,,,
> /'^'\
> ( o o )
> -oOOO--(_)--OOOo-------------------------------------
> | Ram Meenakshisundaram |
> | Senior Software Engineer |
> | OpenLink Financial Inc |
> | .oooO Phone: (516) 227-6600 x267 |
> | ( ) Oooo. Email: |
> ---\ (----( )--------------------------------------
> \_) ) /
> (_/
Received on Tue Aug 07 2001 - 13:11:32 BST