This guy is also producing a documentary on the BBS. A worthwhile and
notable project.
On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, James B. DiGriz wrote:
> Thought I'd pass along this request for a worthy cause.
> How is the UUCP revival project progressing, by the way? This might be a
> good way to get the word out about it. If that's desired right now.
> The full url is, which is a Wiretap type archive,
> except more specifically BBS oriented. Scott's email is
> jbdigriz
> **********************************************************************
> I've started work on the other vital site needed for the documentary:
> A complete and total list of every BBS software package ever made for
> any computer. I'm already aware this task is impossible; but the
> least I can do is take a good shot at it so I can look at different
> sets of packages for a computer and do the Right Things.
> The Right Things, in this case, are to try and contact the original
> authors of the software, and reach out to any underlying communities
> still using the software.
> I'd like it if people could start taking a look at the list and let
> me know about gaps, or point me to locations where there's more
> information about the software. No sense plugging up this mailing
> list with those; just mail them to me.
> "0A- Jason Scott
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Fri Aug 10 2001 - 21:40:59 BST