Emulex board info needed

From: wanderer <quapla_at_xs4all.nl>
Date: Sat Aug 11 14:54:33 2001

Hello All,

Does anybody have some info on the Emulex SC311 interface card?
It is a controller for 4 SMD devices, and I'm particulary interested
in the switch settings of the 2 switch banks. I used it to access 2
Fujitsu's, but I got an Amcodyne 7110 drive which has 1 fixed and 1
removable cartridge. These are seen as 2 RK06's, lun 0 is the fixed
drive, and lun 1 is the removable one. This drive came with a QBus
Dilog SMD interface card (DQ215). I hooked the drive up on the Emulex,
but I can only access the fixed drive lun 0 as DR0, not the removable
lun. DR1 is not lun 1 unfortunately.



The Wanderer                      | Politici zijn gore oplichters.
quapla_at_xs4all.nl                  | Europarlementariers: zakkenvullers
http://www.xs4all.nl/~quapla      | en neuspeuteraars.
Unix Lives! M$ Windows is rommel! | Kilometerheffing : De overheid
'97 TL1000S                       | weet waar je bent geweest!
Received on Sat Aug 11 2001 - 14:54:33 BST

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