SemiOT: Mourning for Classic Computing

From: Jeffrey S. Sharp <>
Date: Mon Aug 13 18:37:08 2001

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
> For me, it should be a date to *mourn*, not to celebrate.

I have to disagree, Doug. The historic events you so despise are the very
ones that have made my life *possible*. I grew up as a computer nerd in
rural Oklahoma -- not exactly the point of deepest or quickest penetration
of technology -- starting as a mid-1980s grade-school kid. Without
personal computing, I would not have discovered computers and the art of
programming until much later in life. I would have grown up as just a
nerd, with no real purpose other than to escape.

Also, not every programmer produced from personal computing is a bad
programmer. I've seen quite a number of such people that should be
forbidden from ever invoking a text editor, but we're not all that way.
I may not have a lot of field experience (I'm not even out of college
yet), but I'm a damn good programmer.

Jeffrey S. Sharp
Received on Mon Aug 13 2001 - 18:37:08 BST

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