I'll see about getting the CARDIAC stuff scanned, in the mean time I've
"HTMLized" and updated my SIMPLEX doc and put it here:
I've got a bunch of TIL311 displays that I'm using for output (wish I had
Nixie tubes :-{)
At 11:50 PM 8/13/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Chuck,
>I would LOVE a scan of the booklet, also a scan of the
>cpu side would help.
>Is SIMPLEX on the web? or is it somthing you were working on
>Chuck McManis wrote:
>>I have a CARDIAC, perhaps I could scan the booklet for you. Or would you
>>like to build something unique? I have a similar project called SIMPLEX
>>which is a PDP/CARDIAC/uP inspired instructional computer architecture.
>>At 03:27 PM 8/12/01 -0700, you wrote:
>>>I was going to write a simulator for Bell Labs "Cardiac" (cardboard
>>>slide the slides and move bits be the cpu your self) computer, but all I
>>>can find is the Instruction Set, none of how the instructions are implemented.
>>>So, I decieded to write my own...
>>>Here is the instruction set, I thought it best to consult with you all
>>>before beginning to code. What
>>>do you think?
>>>0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
>>>Z N o1 o2 o3
>>>Z N 0 0 1 i r r get copy (indirect) register rr to acx
>>>Z N 0 1 0 i r r put copy (indirect) acx to register rr
>>>Z N 0 1 1 o o o Mathop
>>> 0 0 0 nop
>>> 0 0 1 add acx + acy ==> acx
>>> 0 1 0 sub acx - acy ==> acx
>>> 0 1 1 and acx & acy ==> acx
>>> 1 0 0 exor acx xor acy ==> acx
>>> 1 0 1 or acx | acy ==> acx
>>> 1 1 0 cmp acx cmp acy set Z and N
>>> 1 1 1 cpz acx cmp 0 set Z and N
>>>Z N 1 0 0 p p p inp copy port ppp ==> acx
>>>Z N 1 0 1 p p p out copy acx ==> port ppp
>>>Z N 1 1 0 i r r swp acx ==> (ind) Rn == > acx
>>>Z N 1 1 1 0 o o acx op group
>>> 0 0 0 not r1 <== ! r1
>>> 0 0 1 shl Shift left
>>> 0 1 0 shr Shift right
>>> 0 1 1 inc Increment r1 <== r1 + 1
>>>Z N 1 1 1 1 o o Jump Group
>>> 1 0 0 jmp ind [pc] pc <== [pc]
>>> 1 0 1 jsr ind [pc] R2 <== pc , pc <== [pc]
>>> 1 1 0 rtn pc <== R2
>>> 1 1 1 Halt,reset [pc] <== 0
>>>Zero and Negative flags
>>>On execution of the cmp and cpz instructions the Z and N flags are
>>>set, following instructions can test these flags and choose to execute
>>>or not.
>>>Z N Meaning
>>>0 0 Execute if acx was positive on test (acx > 0 / acx > acy)
>>>0 1 Execute if acx was negative on test (acx < 0 / acx < acy)
>>>1 0 Execute if acx was zeron on test (acx = 0 / acx = acy)
>>>1 1 Always execute
>>>00 r0 acx 1st operand
>>>01 r1 acy 2nd operand
>>>10 r2 ptr Pointer register
>>>11 r3 pc Program Counter
>>>here is an example of an assembled program....
>>>Assembly of a simple program
>>> org $10 ; program starts at 10 10
>>> get ind pc ; load value1 acy 10 11001111 00010000
>>> adr value1 11 00011001 00010001
>>> swp acy 12 11110110 00010010
>>> get ind pc ; load value2 acx 13 11001111 00010011
>>> adr value2 14 00011010 00010100
>>> add ; sum values 15 11011001 00010101
>>> put ind pc ; store sum 16 11010111 00010110
>>> adr sum 17 00011011 00010111
>>> hlt ; end of program 18 11111111 00011000
>>>value1 byt 19 00011001
>>>value2 byt 1A 00011010
>>>sum byt 1B 00011011
>>> end ; end of code
>>>I know, it only has 256 words of 8 bit memory, but isn't this as much as
>>>some of the early machines?
Received on Tue Aug 14 2001 - 03:58:26 BST