He's just checking-in . . .

From: Master of all that Sucks <vance_at_ikickass.org>
Date: Wed Aug 15 12:11:22 2001

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:

> Not to worry. If he's willing to take it slowly, he shouldn't have any
> problem. Remember the <1960 VW bus? Those made it over the rockies.
> Several times, I drove US40 (which became I70 in the east and I80 west of
> Salt Lake). The VW bus had 36hp (probably less than Hans' vehicle), and
> much more body weight (unless he has badly overdone the collecting).
> 'Course the last time that I drove it, it was with a 1960 bus with 1600cc
> engine (type 3 converted); it burned a valve in Colorado, and blew oil
> cooler seal in Nevada.

There might be some luck involved somewhere in there 8-).

> To reduce the mountain driving on the way back, he could go back by way of
> US66 (or whatever it's called now) That'll get him as far as St. Louis
> with very little mountains; there he can pick up US40 (I70) to take him
> back to Baltimore. (Actually, I70 diverts down towards Washington, but
> US40 went straight through Baltimore.) In the old days (60s and 70s),
> when most of the city was condemned, US40 in Baltimore was lined with
> demolition fences made of all of the doors of the buildings being torn
> down, with periodic marble doorsteps sticking out.

Actually, I-70 does indeed come into Baltimore. I-270 is the one that
splits off outside of Frederick, and comes to Washington (actually I think
it's Great Falls, VA). US 66 is now I-40.

> Historical? trivia: Coming into Baltimore from the south (on the parkway,
> long after passing GSFC and NSA), just as you reached Baltimore, there was
> a big clock tower. What did that clock have instead of numbers?

Oooh. I know the place you are talking about, but I don't think I am old
enough to answer the question.

Peace... Sridhar

> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Wed Aug 15 2001 - 12:11:22 BST

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