PDP-8/i Question

From: David Gesswein <djg_at_drs-esg.com>
Date: Thu Aug 16 16:31:58 2001

>From: "Will Jennings" <xds_sigma7_at_hotmail.com>
>How the hell do you tell if the thing is negative or positive bus? I need to
>know this before I go and buy some peripherals...
If the lower rows have M650/M651 then it is negative bus. I'm sure your's
is positive bus so you won't be going after the stuff I want :-).

David Gesswein
http://www.pdp8.net/ -- Run an old computer with blinkenlights.
                         Have any PDP-8 stuff you're willing to part with?
Received on Thu Aug 16 2001 - 16:31:58 BST

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