SemiOT: Mourning for Classic Computing

From: Iggy Drougge <>
Date: Wed Aug 15 21:34:05 2001

Mike Ford skrev:

>>First language? No, I still think BASIC is best as a first language. And
>>I get yelled off the board, let me explain. Not all people are meant to

>Foo, why not start people with Eudora mail filters and work up to HTML?

HTML is no programming language, silly. You'd learn more by running a Cardiac,
and besides, HTML is so flimsy that it can never be predicted in any

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Die Zeit kommt aus der Zukunft, die nicht existiert, in die
Gegenwart, die keine Dauer hat, und geht in die Vergangenheit,
die aufgeh?rt hat, zu bestehen.
--- Augustinus (R?m. Kirchenlehrer, 354-430 n. Chr.)
Received on Wed Aug 15 2001 - 21:34:05 BST

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