Assembly vs. Everything Else (was: SemiOT: Mourning forClassicComputing)

From: Jeffrey S. Sharp <>
Date: Sun Aug 19 01:49:56 2001

Jeffrey S. Sharp said:
> Now, why is it so important to have a PRINT statement?

Iggy Drougge said:
> So that you may print "HELLO WORLD". It's essential for the newbie.

Jeffrey S. Sharp said:
> Does it have to be "HELLO WORLD" exactly, or could something different
> suffice?

Iggy Drougge said:
> No, you may put anything you want between the quotation marks.

Ah-HA! Thus, the higher-level educational purpose of such PRINTing is to
provide some sort of feedback to the novice, so that he can see, with one,
simple command, the computer performing as he instructed.

That purpose does not necessitate a PRINT statement at all. It doesn't
even necessitate a text message.


Jeffrey S. Sharp
Received on Sun Aug 19 2001 - 01:49:56 BST

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