> > The interior sled takes a standard 3.5" form factor drive, single ended
> > SCSI. With only 1 you can drop in a 2GB barracuda (with more than 1 heat
> > becomes a problem). The external SCSI-2 connector will obviously connect
> up
> > to 7 external SCSI devices. Consider getting a "dual" external SCSI box
> and
> > put a CD-ROM drive and a disk in it.
> >
> I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. I was asking about a maximum capacity limit, not
> a physical one. I can get 9GB drives fairly cheap, and I just wanted to
> know if the SS1 would support a drive of that size (or greater).
> Thanks!
> g.
I thought there was a 4.5 gb limit or something like that in SunOS 4.x
Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a
villain in a James Bond movie -- Dennis Miller
Received on Sun Aug 19 2001 - 11:41:26 BST