At 01:14 pm 21/08/2001 -0400, R. D. Davis wrote:
As a Brit, I honestly couldn't care less about "Dubya" - or indeed the
whole US political system. I don't really care too much for ours either.
>However, I'm inclined to agree with you that we stick more to the
>discussion of classic computers for the sake of our overflowing
>mailboxes. :-)
Yes please!
In order to stimulate conversation: Does anyone have a Commodore 8032
mainboard in known working condition that they'd be willing to part with?
I've recently acquired an 8032-SK, but the CPU is dead, two ROMs are
missing, and even adding known working replacements is not enough to breath
life back into this poor wee beastie. So it's got to be a heart/lung/brain
transplant for it - for now, at least.
>However, that discussion did result in a discussion of engines controlled
>by classic computers. :-)
It's still possible to buy new Z80 CPUs (?2.50 in the UK); how many would
it take to build a pentium-IV class machine? :)
B-Racing: B where it's at :-)
Received on Tue Aug 21 2001 - 12:49:32 BST