NOTICE FROM THE LIST HOST (re: recent political commentary)

From: R. D. Davis <>
Date: Tue Aug 21 14:54:42 2001

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> Look, R.D. You are the exact type of fellow I was thinking about the
> other day when I talked about socially retarded people. You, as much as I

Now see here Sellam, attempting to put others into that category which,
in my opinion, you appear to fall into, solves nothing.

> have been trying to keep myself from saying all this time, are incredibly,
> indelibly, without a doubt and with a mandate from GOD himself, a SOCIALLY
> RETARDED individual. You have NO fucking manners whatsoever, you take

It behooves you not, in my opinion, to keep describing yourself in a
loosing attempt to describe others.

> EVERY opportunity to foist your pointless and tasteless opinions on
> everyone else here, with little regard for OUR preferences, showing
> absolute disrespect to everyone here. You are a SAD, SAD individual. I'm

[Wow, the poor chap just can't tolerate some differing opinions.]

> sorry you didn't get that pony you always wanted, but we should NOT be

Now tell us Sellam, did you make that statement because your childhood
was lacking something, such as a pony, that you always wanted?

> held prisoner by your horrid personality. You are an ASS. An ASSSSSSSSS!

It was kind of you to compare me to a donkey rather than comparing me
to something such as yourself. :-) Also, you might want to do
something about that sticking 's' key on your keyboard.

> wish I could change the font to a 128 pointsize so I could write "ASS" in
> letters big enough to express how I feel about you.

Sellam, I'm concerned about you. You really need to do something to control
that anger before if causes you physical harm, such as causing you to have
a stroke. Have you checked your blood pressure lately?

> YOU ARE AN ASS!!!!!!

Sellam, I believe you said that once, don't you remember?

> > However, that discussion did result in a discussion of engines
> > controlled by classic computers. :-)
> YOU ARE AN ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Incoherent thoughts and memory failure are not a good sign...

Copyright (C) 2001 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reserved            an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such         beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Tue Aug 21 2001 - 14:54:42 BST

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