Room for Collections

From: Eric Dittman <>
Date: Tue Aug 21 15:14:05 2001

> A VAX 11/780 isn't a mainframe. My IBM S/390 9672 G5's CPU (OT,
> incidentally) takes up two seven foot tall racks all by itself. A fully
> outfitted S/390 9672 G1 (on-topic, bipolar logic, water cooled, loads o'
> power) CPU alone takes up between 7 and 10 seven foot tall racks all by
> itself, in a typical configuration. IfA VAX 11/780 is a minicomputer.

I wouldn't mind having a fairly recent 9672 at home, but the
cost and space are prohibitive.

Incidentally, the R66->Z47 migration went pretty smooth.
Eric Dittman
School Zones:  Man's attempt to thwart natural selection.
Received on Tue Aug 21 2001 - 15:14:05 BST

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