Hello World! on modern processors.

From: Gordon C. Zaft <zaft_at_azstarnet.com>
Date: Tue Aug 21 23:48:51 2001

         Somehow I suspect this code won't run on my PPC boards.

         Linux != x86.

At 05:51 PM 8/21/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>Of course you should be able to go even smaller on a linux system by going to
>assembly and using the interrupt version of syscall().
>.globl _start
> xor %eax,%eax
> movb $4,%al
> xor %ebx,%ebx
> movb $1,%bl
> movl $message,%ecx
> xor %edx,%edx
> movb $14,%dl
> int $0x80
> xor %eax,%eax
> movb $1,%al
> xor %ebx,%ebx
> movb $0,%bl
> int $0x80
> .string "Hello, world!\n"

Gordon Zaft
Received on Tue Aug 21 2001 - 23:48:51 BST

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