On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Jim Battle wrote:
> I can do better (if someone hasn't already) -- this is for the Sol:
> ORG 0000h
> JMP 0000h
> ORG 0CC00h
> DB 'Hello World!'
> That is 15 bytes, and executes in 0 cycles.
> The Sol's screen is memory mapped and begins at 0xCC00. Let the program
> loader take care of it for you.
Aw c'mon, this doesn't count. If that's accepted, then this pathetic
entry must be accepted on the enhanced Apple //e, which allows quoted
characters to be entered directly into memory as follows:
400: 'H 'E 'L 'L 'O ' 'W 'O 'R 'L 'D '!
12 bytes, and gets stored right to screen memory.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Wed Aug 22 2001 - 09:21:35 BST