Who reads their email the most Classically?

From: Douglas Quebbeman <dhquebbeman_at_theestopinalgroup.com>
Date: Wed Aug 22 16:58:30 2001

> "Curt Vendel" <curt_at_atari-history.com> wrote:
> > Is anyone running any internet connected lynx servers with dialup
> > capability??? I've wanted to do this myself as many older Atari 8-bit
> > groups would like access for email and newsgroup reading to stay connected
> > with the online Atari communities.
> They're called "shell accounts". Yes, they exist as commercial
> offerings. For example, Panix in NYC (http://www.panix.com/) and a2i
> communications in the San Francisco Bay Area (http://www.rahul.net/).

And IgLou (Internet Gateway of Louisville) in Louisville, KY metro area,
Cincinnati metro area, Lexington Ky, and Memphis, TN.

How they missed Nashville I've yet to figure out...

Received on Wed Aug 22 2001 - 16:58:30 BST

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